Lifting voices and hearts for peace ☮

At this particular time in history there is much pain and strife in our world. Last weekend I was privileged to join a wonderful group of humans and some of their equally wonderful dogs to share in community, raise our voices in song and send joyous wishes for peace out into the world. This International Women's Day gathering invited local open-hearted people to come...
"together in song and in mutual respect, solidarity and celebration during these troubling times. Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination."
It was a cold and blustery "in like a lion" sort of March day, when a hearty group of local folks heeded the call to gather. Sincerest thanks to the beloved Wakefield Grannies, our local wise women collective, for their enduring positivity and for organizing yet another powerful and uplifting event.
A circle of hope was formed, full of optimism and positive intentions as the cold north winds and blustery snow whipped around us. It was not a day for the faint of heart. Despite the cold, joy pervaded this lovely gathering. It felt wonderful to finally be able to come together in friendship and hope! We sang, we laughed, we walked, we celebrated. I could feel how important it was for everyone there to stand in solidarity and express our particular way of thinking and feeling about this world. To be hopeful rather than hopeless despite the madness and hate that persists in many places.
Circles are symbolic of interconnectedness. They represent a notion of never-endedness. There is no beginning nor ending, only eternal and ongoing. These sentiments underpinned my emotions on that day. I so enjoy the poignant understanding of unity and solidarity with like-minded and kind-hearted souls. Together we demonstrated our desires and our beliefs, illustrating there is a better way to live in this world. There is a sacredness in such gatherings; a sense of belonging, holding an energy which is filled with hope and love. Gatherings of this kind, whether they be big or small, uplift and bolster all who join. To take part reminds us that goodness, optimism and kindness are human traits, existing in all of us. This is our true nature, and when we take the time to notice, to feel the power, it is glorious. ✨
In peace and friendship,
Laura 🙏🏻